so how's your budget going?

thought so.

let's fix it!

Save time, effort & money with a simpler, smarter plan...

So good you won't even blink when the water heater breaks (even if you're a spender or get hives from budgets!)

"Wow, this makes so much more sense to me than the other systems I have tried... this is so easy to do." - Susanne

Get your free Magic Monthly Number Workbook & discover life with...

  • No tedious categorized budget to plan (& stick to)
  • Strategically calculated weekly spending "burn" rate to easily control spending
  • A big kick to the curb for money guilt & shame

"I'd never heard of the Magic Monthly Number, but WOW! In just a few minutes I discovered how much money I have, how much I need to pay off, and how much I can spend. Such a simple concept that gave me confidence." - Julie

Magic Monthly Number = monthly savings + debt attack + spending limit

How will you manage a spending limit without a traditional budget? It's all in the burn rate (not cash envelopes!)... get the workbook to learn more & get started (normally $8, but free right now 😮).

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Then find a spot to kick back & relax... cuz you won't be stressing about money anymore.

What's your
Magic Monthly Number?
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